Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Navajo Nation Youth Advisory Council (NNYAC).
The purpose of the Navajo Nation Youth Advisory Council is to represent the needs and interests of Navajo Nation youth. NNYAC additionally seeks to increase youth involvement within our communities and the organization as a whole. Members of NNYAC not only serve as role models for Navajo Nation youth, but also serve as leaders within their respective communities. NNYAC members consult, advise, and advocate on behalf of Navajo youth by working exclusively with the Nation’s administrative branch. NNYAC members are mentored by the Nation’s three branch chiefs and three (3) professionals appointed by the three branch chiefs.
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The Navajo Nation Youth Advisory Council (NNYAC) consists of 12 members as follows:
In addition, three(3) adult volunteer mentors are selected by the Nation's Three Branch Chiefs to assist and mentor the Navajo Nation Youth Advisory Council.
Council member are expected to commit to the following Responsibilities during their two-year term:
For applicants not eligible to vote (applicants under the age of 18), a copy of a parent or guardian’s Navajo Nation Voter Registration Card will be sufficient to fulfil the registered Navajo Nation Voter requirement.
Apply Here